lunedì 27/05/2024 • 06:00
The Ministry of Business and Made in Italy with the circular of 11 December 2023 n. 50031 intervened on the rules for granting the "Nuova Sabatini" concessions following the entry into force, on 1 July 2023, of EU regulation 2023/1315 of the Commission of 23 June 2023, integrating the provisions relating to EU regulation n. 51/2014 of the Commission of 17 June 2014, contained in the circular of 6 December 2022 n. 410823.
Ascolta la news 5:03
Initially we remind you that Nuova Sabatini is a benefit that encourages investments for the purchase or leasing acquisition of machinery, equipment, plants, capital goods for production use and hardware, software and digital technologies by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The facility The measure provides for loans from 20,000 to 4 million euros with a maximum duration of 5 years, granted by banks and intermediaries who have signed up to the "Capital Goods" Convention, with the possibility of coverage up to 80% of the amount disbursed by the guarantee fund SMEs. The contribution in question is a contribution (on account of plants) whose amount is determined in measure equal to the value of the interest calculated, conventionally, on a long-term loan of 5 years and of an amount equal to the investment, at an annual interest rate equal to: 2.75 percent for ordinary investments; 3.575 percent for 4.0 investments and green investments. The contribution is increased by 30 percent for green investments in companies with environmental process or product certification and for investments in Transition 4.0. We must highlight that, to benefit from the incentives offered by Nuo...
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Il MIMIT con la circolare dell'11 dicembre 2023 n. 50031 è intervenuto sulle regole per il rilascio delle concessioni della “Nuova Sabatini” a seguito dell'entrata in vigore, il 1° lu..
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