lunedì 29/05/2023 • 06:00
Purpose of the EU and national rules is to avoid fraudulent use of secondment, especially from countries with wage systems less onerous than in Italy. The legislative decree n. 2023/27 not only regulates secondments in the road transport sector, but also amends more general obligations for posting workers to Italy applicable to any business sector.
Ascolta la news 5:03
Purpose of the new national law is to avoid fraudulent use of secondment, especially from countries with wage systems less onerous than the Italian's. The legislative decree n. 2023/27, published on the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic, March 20th, 2023, n. 67 and entered into force on March 23rd, 2023, pursues this aim not only through provisions dedicated to the road transport sector, but also amending obligations of general application in case workers are posted to Italy. The Decree implements the European Directive n. 2020/1057, laying down specific rules with respect to Directive 96/71/EC and Directive 2014/67/EU for posting drivers in the road transport sector and amending Directive 2006/22/EC as regards enforcement requirements and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012. The directive 2014/67/EU was implemented in Italy by the legislative decree n. 2016/136, but it has been now significantly amended by the Decree. The amendments aim to further incentivize genuine secondments through various measures, among which notably the obligation to apply working and employment conditions comparable to those provided for under Italian regulations and collective agreements as regards : ...
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Scopo della normativa comunitaria e nazionale è evitare il ricorso fraudolento al distacco, soprattutto da Paesi con sistemi salariali meno onerosi rispetto all'Italia. ..
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